
In Technology, we have an incredible diversity of skills, from world-leading experts in production systems to versatile consultants who guide the customer from the first sod to finished factories. What we have in common is that we all work to streamline and digitalize Swedish industry.

How we work in Technology

Simply put, we help companies change and improve manufacturing processes and laboratory operations without compromising quality and regulatory compliance. We deliver professional services combined with the market's most complete range of industry-leading solutions. We serve the energy, oil, gas and petrochemical, minerals, metals, life sciences and other industries. Whatever the industry, we work to create world-leading solutions that contribute to a more sustainable world.

Common work areas in Technology can be automation, production control to laboratory management, BioTech and more. Thanks to the expertise we possess, we can actually boast a little and say that we are the best in Scandinavia at what we do. Probably because we are nerds and proud of it. We love finding those smart solutions that make the world better today, tomorrow and the day after.

Our different areas

We are the experts who accompany the customer wherever the journey begins and ends. We are change leaders and love to help our clients into the future. With us you will find both broad consultants and niche experts, such as process engineers, IT security specialists, IT/OT Project Managers, Biotech consultants and much more. What we have in common is that we help our clients to create a stable, sustainable and efficient business, which continues to produce well into the future.
We love to dabble in production systems. Finding more efficient solutions that help our customers is what we live for. It's not a facade. We're genuinely interested in what we do. We deliver turnkey systems in team deliveries, sometimes across multiple business areas. It's complex, challenging and really fun. We work on automation, production management, digitisation of flows, advanced data analytics and many other things that ensure the future of manufacturing.
Within Software, we are developing our own product, PlantPerformance. It is a total solution to maximise production efficiency. It is the most customizable and user-friendly solution on the market! We develop the product, implement it from the development of the roadmap to support, management and further development. The people working on the product are world leaders in the field. We live to deliver solutions together with customers to ensure that what we do contributes to more efficient and stable operations over time.
People talking in a crowded restaurant

Some of
our awesome

We are convinced that each and every one of our employees has fantastic knowledge and unique experiences that make us better as a company. Here, some of them tell us what it's like to work at one of Sweden's best workplaces.

Modern woman consultant in discussion
Smiling people looking on a snowy street
Modern woman consultant in discussion
Smiling people looking on a snowy street
Questions about Technology?

Contact an expert

Sofia Folke, Human Resources manager at Plantvision AB

Sofia Edenfeldt

Chief Human Resources Officer
Sofia Folke, Human Resources manager at Plantvision AB
Sofia Edenfeldt
Chief Human Resources Officer
Sofia Folke, Human Resources manager at Plantvision AB
Book a meeting with Sofia Edenfeldt
Are you as curious about us as we are about you? Talk to our Chief Human Resources Officer Sofia Edenfeldt, please!

Get in touch


Vacancies in Technology

Brilliant business developer in automation wanted!
Engineer for the process industry towards data and digitalization
Expert in cybersecurity
Energy consultant
Industrial automation engineer
Specialist for industrial systems
Application and implementation consultant in IT/OT
Senior process engineer
Automation Engineer