Plantvision's active participation in the Siemens International Partner Meeting

We at Plantvision are passionate about sharing knowledge. Keeping ourselves, and others, updated on trends and new technology aligns well with who we want to be - knowledge sharers and thought leaders. That's why we feel extra bad that our two consultants, Lydia Söderlund and Claes Engman, actively participated in the Siemens partner meeting for MOM (Manufacturing Operations Management) and APS (Advanced Planning & Scheduling) in mid-June in Huizingen, Belgium. 

The partner meeting brought together leading technology companies and integrators from EMEA to share knowledge and bring the latest technology news to our customers, and to keep us up to date and deliver value to our customers. The latest trends in production planning, production control and MES/MOM were on the agenda and important topics such as how to overcome barriers in production, quality, maintenance and logistics were discussed.

With Lydia and Claes on Location , many experiences were exchanged with partners and they both had the opportunity to share knowledge with the partner network.

Lydia Söderlund, Senior Consultant Supply Chain & Production, spoke about how manufacturing companies can bridge information islands, streamline work processes and create value from existing information silos, using Power BI in combination with Siemens production planning system Opcenter APS. Questions about how we can help our customers maximize data value with production analysis through collaboration between different systems and departments in an organization were in focus.

Claes Engman, Senior Expert Consultant Supply Chain & Production, spoke at Siemens partner days about insights from projects where Plantvision has automated and digitized processes at terminal and depot facilities for increased traceability, efficiency and end-to-end control from incoming material, to unloading and further to invoicing.

Want to read more about this type of automation solution? Click on the link and take part of one of our cases where OKQ8 needed help to streamline their depot management.

Plantvision fully automates OKQ8's depot management

Do you want to know more about Siemens partner events or are you curious about what Lydia and Claes presented?

Get in touch and we will be happy to tell you more!


Article author

Lydia Söderlund, Consultant at Plantvision AB
Lydia Söderlund
Consultant Supply Chain and Production

Article author

Lydia Söderlund, Consultant at Plantvision AB
Lydia Söderlund
Consultant Supply Chain and Production

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