Plantvision fully automates OKQ8's depot management

Gearing up for the future with Siemens' digital portfolio. When OKQ8 needed to streamline depot management at the Sundsvall oil port, we modernised and fully automated the loading and unloading of fuel using Siemens' innovative Digital Enterprise portfolio. A future-proof and significantly more efficient fuel handling system was the result.
OKQ8 depot management system


OKQ8 needed to streamline its depot management. The previously proprietary, person-dependent solution needed to be standardised so as not to rely on the knowledge of a few resources. In addition, better traceability and tracking capabilities were needed due to new requirements for more renewable raw materials in the fuel.


As a Siemens Solution Partner, we delivered a future-proof, integrated solution with the Siemens digital portfolio: a depot system concept with integrated software and hardware from Siemens with Simatic PCS 7, RFID products, TIA panels and the MES system Opcenter Execution. For efficient, high-quality engineering, the Comos plant information and design system and Simit simulation software were used.


Siemens' innovative Digital Enterprise portfolio together with our broad expertise and the close and long-term cooperation between OKQ8, Plantvision and Siemens led to a successful digitalisation project. The fully automated depot management gives OKQ8 full control with traceability, tracking and documentation.

- "We want to get away from the 'we've always done it this way' mindset," says Marcus Lundmark, project manager at Plantvision.

- "They wanted a more standardised and future-proof solution. Now we have standardised the system as much as possible with well-known products and a ready-made system", says Johan Bergstrand, automation engineer at Plantvision.

Digital Enterprise portfolio from Siemens

The broad expertise and complete technical solution with modern technology from Siemens - including Simatic PCS 7, Comos, Simit and Opcenter - meant that Plantvision, which is a Siemens Solution Partner in Simatic PCS 7 as well as Comos and Opcenter Execution, was entrusted with the modernisation of the warehouse management.

- "Siemens has a complete offering for a digitised total solution," says Johan Bergstrand and continues, "For the customer, it's great to have integration between all systems. Having a standardised and integrated platform with Comos, Simit, Opcenter and Simatic PCS 7 means that everything hangs together as a single database, where recipe management, I/O and all information is in the same place and synchronised between the systems. That's smart engineering."

The full customer case can be read on the Siemens website here.

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