
We are the glue that holds us together. We make things happen behind the scenes and ensure that our colleagues can do their jobs as well as possible.

How we work in Operations

Within what we call Operations you will find the areas of HR, Marketing, Finance and IT. What ties all of us working in Operations together is that we are constantly looking at how we can develop our departments in different ways, both on an operational and strategic level. We connect all aspects of the business and create the conditions to run the company as thoughtfully and smoothly as possible.

We're the ones who make things happen behind the scenes and ensure that you and your colleagues can do your job as well as possible. That's why we also work closely with the different business areas to see how we can support them while looking out for the company's best interests.

Our different areas

Although it is of course everyone's common task to contribute to creating a good workplace, only we in the HR department have it in our actual job description. As well as working on all the things that keep you wanting to come here on a Monday morning, we're a very big part of the company's development. We're responsible for all the processes that go with what's usually called the employee cycle. That means everything from employer branding and recruitment to work environment and skills development. All with the aim of creating Sweden's best workplace.
We are the ones who hold our brand together. We make sure that everything we communicate is coherent and that Plantvision is visible in the right places. We create, write, challenge, test and shape. We're the brains behind the visuals you see and the heart that shines through when we talk. But you could also say that our most important role is to package and communicate what is really us. Our true stars - our people and all the knowledge that's in us. That's why we work every day to bring out the warmth and genuineness in everything we do. Our soul. So that others understand us.
We who love it when one plus one actually becomes two, find each other in the finance department. We're just as likely to hang out with the management team as the consulting team - yes, if your question is about finance, we're the ones to turn to. And we dare say there are few we can't answer. From legal requirements to accounting practices, from analysis to monitoring. We're numbers geeks, and we love it.
In a way, we are the left brain of the business. We like it when it's logical and when we can solve your problem with ones and zeros. Purchasing, user support, server operations and risk management are all tasks on our resumes. As is making sure both our colleagues and customers have a good and secure IT platform. But we also enjoy getting to really dig into all your integration, procurement and data security issues.
People talking in a crowded restaurant

Some of
our awesome

We are convinced that each and every one of our employees has fantastic knowledge and unique experiences that make us better as a company. Here, some of them tell us what it's like to work at one of Sweden's best workplaces.

Modern woman consultant in discussion
Smiling people looking on a snowy street
Modern woman consultant in discussion
Smiling people looking on a snowy street
Questions about Operations?

Contact an expert

Sofia Folke, Human Resources manager at Plantvision AB

Sofia Edenfeldt

Chief Human Resources Officer
Sofia Folke, Human Resources manager at Plantvision AB
Sofia Edenfeldt
Chief Human Resources Officer
Sofia Folke, Human Resources manager at Plantvision AB
Book a meeting with Sofia Edenfeldt
Are you as curious about us as we are about you? Talk to our Chief Human Resources Officer Sofia Edenfeldt, please!

Get in touch


Job vacancies in Operations

At the moment there are none vacancies in the area