Successful project management

- crucial for leading player in food technology

Join us in the world of process challenges and project management at a leading food technology company that specializes in delivering advanced process solutions for the food and beverage industry. With a business focused on developing and providing innovative systems and equipment, the company strives to provide its customers with high-quality, sustainable and efficient solutions that enable the safe and reliable production of food and beverages. Most people know that the role of a project manager is central to a project, but do you know the magnitude of having a truly competent, experienced and solution-oriented project manager at Location and what it creates in terms of results?

Let's tell you more about the secret ingredient that led to the success of the company in question.

One mission, four projects, one project manager

The company faced a somewhat urgent dilemma. Four ongoing projects, two major and two minor initiatives, packaged into a single brief needed to be progressed and completed. As the regular project manager had retired, that role was now missing and the company needed the help of an experienced project manager to lead the technical development projects and also drive the work of a strategic program, focused on sustainability.

The deadline was tight, but Malin Eriksson, Senior Consultant in Process Technology with us, took on the assignment after a quick handover from the previous project manager. Her task was to ensure progress and to manage schedules and budgets as efficiently as possible. The two smaller projects were proof of concept projects that matured into full-fledged technology development projects. We asked Malin to tell us a little more about what such a project entails.

"A proof of concept project is a type of project that aims to test whether an idea or conceptual solution is feasible in practice. It involves exploring and verifying whether a technology, product or process can work as expected before moving on to full implementation or development.

When we say that a 'Proof of Concept' project then evolves into a 'full-fledged technology development project', it means that the initial idea or concept has been proven successful and feasible during the testing phase. The decision is then taken to further develop and realize it into a full-scale product or technology. This usually means a transition from conceptual development to practical manufacturing or implementation of the new technology or product," says Malin.

Coordinated action leads to desired results

The company faced several challenges. The main one, of course, was to quickly find a project manager, competent and experienced enough to lead these technical development projects and drive the work in a strategic program, with a focus on sustainability. Since the program is run through agile project methodology, which in short means that it is organized around principles that promote flexibility, collaboration and rapid iterations where the project is continuously adapted based on feedback and changes in requirements and expectations, it also requires that the responsible project manager is capable of having many balls in the air at the same time.

Progress in the projects would be ensured continuously, as well as the handover of agreed results. Stakeholder management is also the responsibility of the project manager, as is financial reporting to various forums and stakeholders. In addition, there is of course the ongoing responsibility for resource and project planning.

Didn't we mention that Malin has an incredible capacity for simultaneity?

The assignment is still ongoing, but although it is not yet completed, we can already see a clear impact with continuous progress in the projects and secured results. The fast and efficient project management has helped to keep the project on track and ensure that the company achieves its objectives.

In conclusion, thanks to well-coordinated actions and a project manager with outstanding simultaneous capabilities, the company has overcome its challenges and seen a clear success in project progress. The result is a step closer to the objectives and a proof that a competent project management is crucial to ensure success in technological development projects and strategic programs.

Are you and your company facing similar challenges? Do you need project management to achieve the desired results? Get in touch and we'll tell you more about how we could make your business more efficient.

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