A corporate culture that reaches all employees - regardless of location

There is no doubt that we are proud of our corporate culture. Or that our offices should be inclusive, inviting and inspiring. But how do we actually get all these values to follow our consultants who spend the majority of their time on client assignments? And how do we move forward to ensure that all our employees, regardless of their geographical location, continue to thrive and develop according to our business model?

We had the opportunity to talk in more detail with Charlotte Westerstad, Consultant Manager at Plantvision Technology and one of her senior consultants, Malin Eriksson.

From left: Malin Eriksson & Charlotte Westerstad

Hi Charlotte! The work to end up on the 6th Location on the list of Sweden's best workplaces is something that really permeates Plantvision's core and something we are very proud of. But how have you, in your role as Consultant Manager, managed to get the corporate culture out to your consultants who usually sit out with the customer?

- We often talk about the importance of belonging and community with each other in the teams, everyone thinks it is important and feels involved and contributes to maintaining and developing the corporate culture. Of course, I would have liked to have had the opportunity to meet more often all together and this is something I will actively work on, trying to create more opportunities to meet and to invite to more joint activities. We have introduced Thursdays as meet-at-the-office day, if it fits with the assignments, and then we sometimes take the opportunity to have joint activities such as coffee, meetings and sometimes some AW. Together with my colleagues, I constantly work to come up with new ways to promote the corporate culture, it is important not to settle but to see it as a work that constantly needs to be developed. Plantvision organizes kick-offs twice a year for each business area where we all gather to further educate ourselves, get to know each other better and do fun things together. Last winter we were all in Stöten and got to know each other. We had the opportunity to meet colleagues from all over the country and further educate ourselves while trying out fun winter activities.

In your role, and as part of Plantvision, it is very much about creating a team spirit and making everyone feel that they are given the opportunity to develop and be inspired at work.
How do you work to ensure this is the case?

- Working on team spirit is a dynamic process and something that needs to be continuously developed and maintained. At our meetings with the teams, in addition to sharing information, we usually share what has happened during the week, what is happening in the various projects, which companies you have met, or if you have given a presentation or participated in an event. We have coffee together sometimes, it does a lot for the community, it is both nice and an opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level. I want to work even more on promoting the community and will organize more group activities to strengthen the team spirit. I usually encourage cooperation in various internal projects and in consulting assignments, which also usually results in getting closer to each other. We also work a lot with sponsorship where an employee helps a new employee with both the practicalities of the introduction program, but also with getting into the consulting role and getting the right tools to succeed in the assignments. The colleagues at the Lund office are all social and I feel that everyone is actively involved in promoting and developing the team spirit.

Under our roof, we have gathered an incredible diversity of expertise, from world-leading experts (read megagurus) in production systems to consultants (aka superstars) who guide our customers on the journey ahead. To get a little insight into life as a consultant, we have also had the opportunity to ask a few questions to Malin Eriksson, Senior Consultant at Plantvision Technology.

Hi Malin! Tell me, how are you enjoying life as a consultant?

- Very good! I think it is an excellent opportunity to learn new things and it is very inspiring to work with so many competent colleagues!

When you are at the customer's site, do you feel that you have Plantvision's values with you and do you feel a sense of belonging, even though you are not in the office?

- Yes, absolutely. I sit with clients most of the time, but try to spend at least one day a week in our office. Even if I'm on the customer's premises, I can always discuss with my colleagues and ask for advice when needed. Plantvision stands for a highly competent consultancy and I think this is reflected in the fact that everyone is keen to help each other and to be part of creating a pleasant workplace. We also have contact via digital tools, which means that we have a cohesion even if we sit in different places. At Plantvision in Lund, we have a joint office day on Thursdays, when we try to get together. We also usually take the opportunity to have a coffee in the afternoon.

The fact that the company got a 6th Location on the list of Sweden's Best Workplaces is something everyone is continuously working to continue to live up to.
What positive qualities do you feel that Plantvision, as an employer, has?

- An open and positive atmosphere, where you always have support from your colleagues. It's a good mix of independent work and teamwork. I also feel that there is great support for competence development, where you can control the direction you want to develop. The fact that there is also a health care allowance, flexible vacation and many social activities makes work an even more positive experience. It is clear that Plantvision is keen to create an attractive workplace.

We thank you very much for the chat and wish you and your colleagues the best of luck in your future assignments! Need to get in touch with one of our experts? Do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help you move forward and upwards. And Beyond. Click here.

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